Sunday, July 5, 2009

Socialism, A Return to Feudalism and the Dark Ages

by Chuck Ness
As I read the article on the Reformation, I was struck by the way the Muslim in the White House and his socialist buddies in congress are trying to return us back to the feudal days, where everything including the people are owned by the government. As good serfs, we are to just shut up and follow the rules and regulations set in place by today’s church (which is the church of environmentalism warming and other earth worshiping entities), the nobles (congress and bureaucrats put in place by congress), and the monarch(Obama and any other Democrat President the media loves). Then if the government or the new church needs more money, we have the media playing the part of Johann-Tetzel, running around demanding we give more or we will all go to environmentalism hell.
In order to get us where they can completely control us they will need a new “Dark Age”. Do you remember the “Dark Ages’ from your history class? Well, those centuries were called the “Dark Ages” because it was a time when not much was accomplished. You could say it was as if someone had turned off the lights, because there was no new achievements in science, art, or literateur. The economy was so bad that men would literally be walking around naked because they were so poor. For protection and sustenance people looked to those who could provide for their basic needs because they could not do it for themselves. Well, we now have a situation in America where our enlightened leaders have all but destroyed the great job producing economy that we had. And as if things were not bad enough, they are ready to pass the cap and trade legislation, begin a value added tax, and they are working overtime to give us a nationalized health care system. Soon we will again be living in the “Dark Ages” that they need to keep us under control.
Once we are there they will need to continue the fear to keep us in check, and that fear will be what has already worked for them. The fear of rich capitalists and private entrepreneurs. They will continue to use the public education system to promote their religion of earth worship as their John Tetsels in the media help to spread their propaganda. These media yes men will convince the masses that our beloved monarch and his nobles only want what is best for us and that we need to let them have more of our money to do it. We will be constantly reminded of how the evil capitalists only want to destroy the planet, starve old people and force children to work in sweat shops. So to protect us from the horribly mean entrepreneurs they will ensure that every business is unionized and that the owner does not make exuberant profits off the backs of the hard working serfs.
Then to make sure all the serfs do not have time to think about their loss of freedom, they will just continue using the same mode of anesthesia the Romans used, entertainment. Hollywood, and sports heroes will continue to be allowed their million dollar paydays as long as they keep amusing the public so they won’t realize how miserable they really are. As the years pass by, anyone who has not sold their estates to the government through inheritance taxes will be demonized and forced off their lands. In return for helping to control the evil capitalists, the union thugs will be given more control of businesses as the owners will be forced to capitulate at the whim of the feudal lords.
Through all this we will see the usual suspects (liberals zombie voters) defending this unholy trinity of church, state, and media. All the while us, the people, slowly become serfs working for our keep and being told that we should be happy with our lot in life. Question is, are you just going to just sit back and let this happen or are you going to start speaking up and taking a stand for democracy before it is too late and we are again living in a feudal system of the new “Dark Ages”?

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