Saturday, February 17, 2018

A Prayer For Israel

The history of Israel, from Abraham to present time, is most important to the world today. To the secular world this may be a confusing statement, however, to those who understand biblical truths, this statement is fully understandable.

True Christians around the world look to protect Israel. According to the Old Testament (by which Judaism derives its beliefs) Israel is the beginning of Christian understanding. It is the beginning of Christianity; a time of preparation leading to Jesus Christ. To Christians, Israel is the homeland of their religion and the people of Israel are God's first chosen.

To Christians, the Jewish people are their brothers and sisters who are missing the truth of Christ as their Messiah and Savior. Christians pray for Israel and support it in many ways, in the hope of bringing the nation of Israel and the Jewish people to see Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

My Father, I pray for the nation of Israel, Your first born of all nations, the apple of Your eye on this rock we call earth. Lord today I especially pray for the one you chose among all men to lead Israel in this perilous of times. The enemy has his cross hairs on Benjamin Netanyahu, Lord, and they are trying to take him down so that Israel can become weak again in leadership. In my lifetime Lord, Israel has never been so strong and resolute as it has been under his leadership.

Israel is surrounded my enemies who would like to take them out, but You Lord have watched over them and protected them, even in times when the leadership of the US has sided with Satan, you have kept them from being annihilated. Now America has a strong leader who himself is under fire, but as with Bibi, you have protected and helped him stand strong in the face of hate and danger.

As with Israel having the strongest and steadfast leader in my lifetime, I can honestly say the Donald Trump is the strongest and sure handed leader in my life that America has had. I wish to take nothing away from Reagan whom we needed at the time, but even Ronald did not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Your Nation Israel.

Lord you have used Trumps strong will to even push Middle East countries like Saudi Arabia to stand by Israel against the very evil Iran and it's allies the Palestinian terrorists in the midst of Your chosen nation. Your handiwork is painted all over the world, and in those places of most trouble You O'Lord have directed Trump to take a stand against the evil which would destroy You work, and other than here at home, no place is so prevalent in Your guidance of Trump's focus as it is in the matters that concern Israel.

Lord you have chosen two strong leaders to face the world together in Donald trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, and like the Gipper and the Iron Lady, they face a majority of leaders around the world that do not want the status quo to change, but You O'Lord have other plans and those plans include these two leaders who will see that Your will shall be done.

Bless and keep Israel safe O'Lord, and make them stronger each and every day,

In Jesus name I pray, Amen


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