Monday, September 21, 2009

Video Proof, Women Use More Words

Check out this video and see if you agree with me, that women are born using more words than men.

by Chuck Ness

This video reminds me of a joke I heard about a husband who was looking through the paper when he came upon a study that said women use more words than men?

Well there was a married man who read in a magazine that, "Men use about 7000 words per day, but women use 20,000". Excited to prove to his wife that he had been right all along when he accused her of talking too much, he showed her the study results. The wife thought for a while, then finally she said to her husband,

"It's because we have to repeat everything we say."

The husband looked at her quizzically and replied,


Now isn't that just like a typical response a man gives his wife? I must admit that I do that quite often to my wife. Well we have all heard of the studies that concluded women us more words per day then men. Yea, yea, I know about the study that was done between 1998 and 2004 by the "British National Corpus" that concluded men and women speak about the same amount of words in a day. My only problem with their study is that they did it on College students. Show me a college student that doesn't talk a lot, regardless of gender. Oh, here a link to the study I mentioned that I disagree with. You need to register and sign over your freedom if you want to read the study, I did and I read the study so I know why I disagree with it. (just kidding about the loss of your freedom, but you do need to register if you want to read the study)

Anyway, my point isn't to debate the accuracy of the BNC's study so much as I wanted to bring to the table the evidence I found that ends all debate upon which gender uses more words. This study proves that women not only use more words than men do, but that they were also born using more words than men. Unfortunately for men however, it also proves that fathers train their daughters from an early age to accept the fact that us men will shine you ladies on regardless of what you say.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Last Church is Lukewarm (Laodicea)

Founded around 255 BC and named after his wife Laodice by the Seleucid King Antiochus II, this city was located about 100 miles directly east of the first church mentioned by Christ, "Ephesus". Situated on one of the great Asian trade routs, Laodicea became prosperous because of its garment industry which used a black wool that had a soft texture like silk and could be found only in the Lycus Valley. However, it was also known for a medical school that grew out if it’s temple worship of the Phrygian god Men Karou, located 13 miles west of Laodicea.
Its most famous medicines were ointments made from spice; "nard" for the ears and an eye salve made from alum called "Phrygian powder". This eye salve was actually a powder made by crushing Phrygian stones and forming it into tablets. Believed to be a cure for weak eyes this medication was sold throughout the Asian and the Mediterranean lands. All of these aspects of its economy led Laodicea to becoming a leading banking center. Due to the frequent earthquakes in the area, their financial success in banking meant they did not need to depend upon any aid from Rome to rebuild. Laodicea was thus a kind of Bank of America, Wal-Mart and Mayo Clinic all rolled into one
In this letter, Christ introduces Himself to the Laodicean church as "the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation" (Rev 3:14). By introducing Himself as a faithful and true witness, Christ presented them with a sharp contrast to their own inactivity in witnessing and serving. Upon reading the letter, they would have been convicted by its description of their faith. Christ likened it to being lukewarm, an obvious reference to their tepid drinking water supplied from a distant thermal springs in Hierapolis (Rev 3:15-16). They also would have found it ironic that He called them "poor and naked and blind" (Rev 3:17). An obvious reference to their banking, clothing, and eye salve industries that enriched them to the point of being able to turn down Rome’s financial help in times of need. They needed no one and obviously they acted in such a way when it came to their walk with Christ.

The Laodiceans wore black garments with pride, but Christ advised the Christians of this city to buy from Him "white garments" of purity and righteousness. Although they were renowned for having an expertise in medical treatments for the eyes, they were unaware of their spiritual blindness. Jesus appeals to them to buy salve from him for better spiritual vision. Christ also tells them to zealously seek out His forgiveness and stop being indifferent. In his commentary on Revelation, Robert Thomas puts it so eloquently that I would like to borrow the following quote:
"Let my strong criticisms of you open your eyes at once to the need of repentance and also to the fact that it is really love on My part that prompts Me to reprove and chastise you. A realization of My loving concern, as well a your own desperate condition, should bring a resolute change of purpose and kindle within you a warm fervor of devotion that will dispense with lukewarmness".
Robert Thomas
The Laodiceans are asked to let Christ in because He stands at the door knocking and only they can open the door for Him to dine with them at His throne in the presence of His Father.
The name Laodicea means "Rule of the people", and like the democratic systems of our present age, the church of Laodicea represents the end times. A time when men rule and governments listen to them, but we are also getting closer yet to the end of the last period of time. In the last 50 years there have been scholars who have predicted that the Western style capitalist democracies would be replaced by socialist democracies. They have pointed out that these socialist governments would become more totalitarian as the people became more dependent upon them. The theory being, that while a capitalist society would raise the level of prosperity for all, the people themselves would in turn demand more from the government while moving farther away from God.
Like the wealthy and independent Laodiceans, who allowed their wealth and prosperity to turn them into lukewarm worshipers of Christ, so to are the citizens of the Western world. Throughout history, the warning from Christ that "it is easier for a camel to go through and eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven" has proved to be so true. It was after all, just a matter of time before our wealth and prosperity would begin to cloud our spiritual walk as it did the Laodiceans. That sense of self reliance and a lukewarm approach towards the one and only true God allows the enemy to sneak in and steel our crown. So as we look at the letter to the lukewarm Laodiceans, it is my prayer that Christians around the world would hear the knock at the door, see the obvious signs of the times we live in, and repent.
I pray that those who have ears to hear, will hear what the Spirit says to the churches, and call upon His name.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Who is What in the Creation/Evolution Debate

At a site called Exploring Constitutional Conflicts, I found this description of for each choice in the poll. After some feedback, I have realized how inaccurate my poll is in the questioning, but it it was it is and now that it is in progress I cannot change the wording. I do realize that I should have had an "Other" for a choice and usually I do, but I forgot and maybe I should have had two or three more distinct answers for those who do not quite fit the ones I have. For anyone still taking the poll, I only ask that you chose a category that best fits you and maybe leave a comment for me if you would like to give me more information that would help in the future when i take such a poll. Well, here are the descriptions for the poll art hand.

Who is What in the Creation/Evolution Debate
A creationist is a person who rejects the theory of evolution and believes instead that the each species on earth was put here by a Divine Being. A Creationist might accept "micro-evolution" (changes in the form of a species over time based on natural selection), but rejects the notion that one species can-- over time-- become another species.
A young earth creationist believes that the earth is nowhere near the 4.6 billion or so years old that most scientists estimate, but is instead closer to 6,000 or so years old, based on the assumption the Genesis contains a complete listing of the generations from Adam and Eve to historical times.
An ID proponent might or might not reject the theory of evolution. At a minimum, the ID proponent rejects that evolution is randomly driven or, more generally, the notion that natural law and chance alone can explain the diversity of life on earth. Instead, the ID proponent argues--often from statistics--that the diversity of life is the result of a purposeful scheme of some higher power (who may or may not be the God of the Bible).
An evolutionist accepts the Darwinian argument that natural selection and environmental factors combine to explain the diversity of life we see on earth. An evolutionist may or may not believe that evolution is the way in which a Divine Being has chosen to work in the world. Evolutionists divide into various camps, including PUNCTUALISTS (who believe that evolution usually occurs sporadically, in relatively short bursts, as the result of major environmental change) and GRADUALISTS (who are more inclined to believe that evolution occurs more evenly, over longer periods of time). The PUNCTUALISTS seem now to be winning the argument.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Philadelphia, The Faithful Church

Known as the “City of Brotherly love”, this earthquake prone city was the home of this faithful church. Founded by the Pergamon King Attalos II, for his brother Eumenes, this city often changed its name during various times of its history, depending upon what ruler the inhabitants wanted to honor. The name Philadelphia was a reflection of the love and commitment that Attalus II showed to his elder brother Eumenes who ruled throughout Lydia before him. Thus, the “City of Brotherly Love”. Attalos wanted his new city to be a center for the Greco- Roman civilization, this way he could spread the Greek Culture and language toward the east. This made the city of Philadelphia a mission of sorts for evangelizing this new culture. As the last city to fall to the Turks in 1392, Philadelphia’s resistance was haled as an island of Christianity in the sea of Turkish domination. 

According to tradition it is believed that the church was either established by Lucius, a relative of Paul, or by Demetrius, who was sent by the Apostle John. Because Christ was the center of this church, it had an open door to God, and this door was Christ John 10:7 & 1 Timothy 2:5.The church was very active in evangelizing because God had created opportunities for witnessing, outreach, and missions. When a church is faithful, true, and holy, God opens doors Acts 14:27. The more we remain beside Jesus Christ, and the more faithful we are to follow His truth, the more doors will open for us.
Many have wondered what the characteristics of a Philadelphian Christian are. The primary answer would be a Christian who bears the Fruits of the Spirit Galatians, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This type of a Christian reads and meditates upon God's Word daily, thus allowing His wisdom and love to be firmly planted in the mind and heart. This allows the Holy Spirit to work through him. James described this as receiving with meekness the Word of God.
"Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls." James 1:21
The characteristics of a Christian who bears the Fruits of the Spirit, has the type of traits we should all strive to achieve. However, even if we ever reach that point in our walk with Christ, we may not know ourselves that we have achieved that goal. The reason we would not know is because of our humility. Humility is one of the traits of the Philadelphian Christian, humility to the point of indifference towards ones own accomplishments. The other traits are as follows;
Trustworthiness, This Christian is faithful to his calling, even in times of trouble, persecution, and hardship, and he will not depart the calling, but can be trusted in his obedience to the Word.
Loyalty, This Christian is not just loyal to God and His Word, but he is loyal to his fellow Christians who know they can depend upon him to do that which is right.
Helpfulness, This Christian provides assistance to those in need, and they are a useful member in society, that is as long as the tasks they perform for society do not conflict with the laws of God. They will also display a work ethic that is usually one of the best an employer could ask for.
Friendliness, This Philadelphian Christian is friendly to the brethren, and even to those who persecute them by speaking evil or belittling them. This is a very difficult thing to do, and the only way to accomplish it is by being filled with the Holy Spirit to the extent that agape love flows through them to those who persecute and spitefully use them
Courteousness, One who is graciously considerate towards of feelings of others. This Christian does not fly off the handle and verbally abuse others, nor do they hurt the feelings of others through prideful and arrogant actions. A Philadelphian Christian is polite and tactful in their dealings with others, and it shows in their good manners.
Kindness, This person is generous, warm-hearted, charitable, and has legitimate sympathy and understanding for the feelings of others. They are tolerant and patient in the face of provocation from others and are not easily provoked. They are not only decent towards people, but also humane and considerate when dealing with animals.
Obedience, Philadelphian Christians are obedient to God and to those whom God has placed in authority over them. They follow the laws of man and will be seen as a law-abiding citizen. The only time a Philadelphian Christians would rebel against the authorities above them, would be when the orders go against the laws of God.
Cheerfulness, Even in the face of adversity, these Christians are at peace with God because they are filled with the Holy Spirit. They exhibit the joy and pleasure of knowing that they belong to God, regardless of what may happen to them in the World, because they know that one day they will be with God and all suffering, pain, and sorrow will be over.
Thriftiness, These Christians are wise with that which God has entrusted to them. They are also industrious in their work while being very prudent and wise in the way they spend their money.
Bravery, The Philadelphian Christian possesses the kind of courage, boldness and valor that is not the pretentious bravery known as bravado, but instead, this Christian is one who would willingly put their life on the line to save another, and they would be embarrassed by any attention that they may receive for doing so.
Cleanliness, These Philadelphian Christians are free from the stain of sin, and their life is free of addictions and crime. This Philadelphian Christian is not just clean on the inside, but they keep himself clean on the outside.
Reverence, These individuals show deep respect, love, and veneration toward God. You will not catch them slipping and using the Lord's name in vain, because these Christians have a healthy dose of fear and reverence for the Creator of the universe.

In Proverbs 22:1, Solomon tells us that a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches. A man's worth is usually judged by his character and his character is judged by the life he has lived. In His closing remarks to this church, Christ promises that those who overcome and persevered will have three names written on them.
And I will write on him the name of My God, which means that on this pillar, God will write His very own name. The believer persevered for this name. He went through trial for that name so God will write His own name on this pillar.
2.) The second name will be the name of
the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. Chapters 21 & 22 of Revelation gives a brilliant, and striking description of the "New Jerusalem." This is the place of wonderful fellowship with God. To people living in an earthquake zone, this would have been a picture of stability as apposed to destruction and decay, because all Christians will eternally fellowship with God.
3.) Christ says the last shall be
His new name that is written on the believer. No one knows that name yet but in Revelation 19:12 it says that when Jesus appears, He will come with that new name. Just as the followers of Christ are now identified by His name, thus we are called Acts 11:26 Christians, we will then be recognized by His new name, and that name will be written on us.
Like Smyrna, Philadelphia is the only other city of the seven that still has a remnant of Christians left, most likely due to their faithfulness to the Gospel. And although both churches were poor, weak, and suffering from the Jewish persecution, they were full of life and vigor. Just as the city was loyal to the Roman Empire, these Christians stayed loyal to their faith in Christ. Of all the churches John wrote to, Philadelphia’s prosperity lasted the longest, probably as a direct result of God blessing them for their faith in Him. A close look at the message of Revelation 3:10 "I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world”, is believed to refer to a global crisis in the future that Jesus promises to “keep” the church “from” suffering in. Jesus encourages them to “hold fast” and preserver so that no one takes their crown from them. shows what many scholars believe alludes to the rapture of the church before the tribulation that is to come. The phrase “
Like Philadelphia’s history of being a mission for the Greco-Roman culture, this church represents the age of the “Great Awakening” and “Worldwide Missions Movement” started by such notables as evangelical preachers Wesley, Whitefield, Edwards, and missionaries Carey, Judson and Livingstone. Last week I wrote about the church of Sardis and how dead it was. Well, as dead as the Sardis Christians were in their spiritual walk, so was the church of Philadelphia on fire for God, winning souls and teaching the Word with love. The church with "little strength" is now a pillar of strength possessing honor forever in the very presence of God. Every Christian who accepts the finished work of the One who suffered and died on the cross, has eternal life, not temporal life, and that Life is in Christ Jesus.
I pray that those who have ears to hear, will hear the voice of the Lord and call upon His name. Amen

Friday, September 11, 2009

Murder Of A Pro-Life Activist Over An Abortion Sign

In this September 2000 photo, James Pouillon holds one
of the posters he uses to protest abortion in Owosso.

"I'm trying to do for the babies what the Lord did for me," said Jim Pouillon, of Owosso in 2000. "My Bible said we are supposed to be like Jesus." Pouillon was gunned down Friday while protesting abortion in front of Owosso High School. On Sept 11, 2009, his murderer drove off leaving James laying on the grass near his portable oxygen tank and a large poster of a baby with the word "Life."

Time and time again, we are confronted by the harsh reality that one person’s opinion can sometimes cause another person to go to the extreme in making their argument. In the past we have been barraged with the stories of abortion clinic doctors being shot by a Pro-Life supporter. The MSM will go to extreme lengths to equate all pro-life protesters as extremists who need to be stopped. There are even laws in place that have gone so far as to violate the first amendment rights of those who protest by picketing against abortion clinics.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Christ's Message to Sardis, The Dead Church

The fifth church mentioned in John’s message was probably the oldest settlement in Asia Minor. Archeological evidence shows that Sardis was probably first inhabited shortly after the confusion of languages and the subsequent dispersion of the people (Gen 11:5-7). As the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia, Sardis was one of the greatest cities of the ancient world. In the 6th century BC it was ruled by a king named Croesus, some believe he was the infamous King Midas of legends of old, and probably the wealthiest man since King Solomon. Like Bill Gates the name Croesus’s, or Midas, became a proverb of sorts for wealth and luxury thanks to the gold and silver panned from the Pactalus River. The abundance of electrum, a gold and silver alloy, allowed the Lydians to be the first society in history to mint coins. By fixing a guarantied value to their coins, the Lydian currency became acceptable for tender in trade throughout the known world.

Sardis, the Lydian Capital, was protected by a fortress built about 1500 feet above the plain on a ridge of the 5800-foot high Mount Tmolus. The precipice was so difficult to reach that it was considered virtually impregnable, so the cliff side of the city was never defended against a military assault. The people of Sardis believed that no army on earth could capture their city. Thus they lived with a smug sense of pride, having confidence in their riches and impregnable fortress. However, like the Titanic that was thought to be unsinkable, Sardis was actually vulnerable and was captured, shocking the ancient world by its defeat. Not once but twice in its history, a band of brave soldiers climbed up the sides of the cliff and entered an unwatched gate. After each disaster the city recovered, but like most people who fail to learn from their history they slipped back into a false sense of security.
Christ used this fact of their history to point out the complacent spirit in the church. When a church begins to love its systems more than it loves Jesus, when it’s more concerned with material things than spiritual things, and when their past history and glory is what they worship, they start to die from within. One of the differences between the message to Sardis and the messages to the other churches, is they were not recognized for any struggles. The church in Sardis was so devoid of life that it actually had no struggles going on within it. There are no Jewish accusers of this church even though it had a large Jewish community with one of the largest synagogues in the Asian Province. They ignored the church, or perhaps did not even know of its existence. There were no false apostles or any of the domineering Nicolaitans who needed to be guarded against and there were no female seducers, as at Thyatira. There was nothing, nada, zip, and that was the ministry of the church at Sardis. It was dead!
Some may have been professing Christians, engaged in religious activities but never truly trusting in Jesus Christ. More than likely, however, they were carnal believers who had made a good start, but had failed to move on, to grow and experience true spirituality. They were active, engaged in works, but temporally dead, out of fellowship with Christ.(Eph 5:14-18) Many Christians today in America fit the description of the Sardis church members, they believe they are saved because they associate themselves with a Christian church. However as James would say, “You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith without works, and I by my works will show you my faith.” (James 2:18) The point is that while we are saved by faith and not works, our lack of works shows how little faith we really have. Thus we could be in jeopardy of losing our faith if we do not diligently do the works as Christ said,

"But why do you call Me "Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say? Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock. But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great." (Luke 6:46-49)

Jesus wanted them to be watchful lest they suffer the same fate as the city had to outside attacks, an obvious warning from the city’s historic problem of not being on guard. (Rev 3:3)
They are also told of a few good followers who have not soiled their garments and will one day be clothed in white. (Rev 3:5) Sardis was devoted to the worship of the mother-goddess Cybele and no temple worshiper was allowed to approach the temple of the gods with soiled or unclean garments. A white and clean robe was required to approach its so-called gods. So the reference to the white robe would make the reader think of purity and acceptance by God. To the allegorist Sardis represents the age of the reformation from Luther to Wesley, approximately 1517-1793. The reformation revealed the wrongs of the church for many followers, but that awakening also showed how little the sheep cared.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Duggers and Overpopulation

The news is out that Jim Bob and Michelle Dugger are having another child, their 19th. Yes you read correctly, 19 children and their oldest son's wife is expecting their first child. Let us all pray that he follows in his parents footsteps, by having as many children and being as prosperous as his parents. I have heard many people ask the question, "Are they keeping up the household without being on the government dole?" The answer to that question would be that they have never received a dime of taxpayer's money. That is not how they operate. In fact the Duggers run a their own ,business which teaches people how to budget and save by buying only what you can afford among other businesses they own and operate. They built their own home themselves, and had it paid for before it was finished. Right about now many liberals are screaming that the world is already overpopulated and this couple are just adding to the problem. Overpopulated? Is it really?

When it comes to having children, most Christians understand that the Lord opens and closes a woman's womb, and it has been that way from the beginning of time. However, mankind has tried to control that which God said is in His control. The first commandment given to man was, “Be fruitful and multiply Gen 1:22”, and He re-iterated that command again after the Flood when he told Noah, “Be fruitful and multiply Gen 9:7”. Try as I may, I have yet to find any passages where God rescinded that command. What He does tell us, is that if we put our faith in Him, He will supply our needs. Something the Duggers have proved time and time again.

However, the world we live in today is dominated by societies that worship the creation over the creator, and thus we hear the constant complaints from the "World is Overpopulated" crowd. Even in the church you will find that many Christians have very little faith in God's ability to supply their needs.

The average family in America has two point five children that consists of one boy and one girl and the statistics do not differ in the families that frequent church. Even in the families that diligently attend church more than once a week reflect the national average of 2.5 children per household. For over 40 years Americans have been bombarded with the idea that humans will overpopulate the planet if we do not limit the number of children being born every year. We have been told time and time again that if we do not control the number of humans who live on this planet that,

it will be done for us by nature, brutally, without pity, and it will leave a ravaged world.” World Population Awareness Nobel Laureate Dr. Henry W. Kendall

As of 2 September 2009, the Earth's population is estimated by the United States Census Bureau to be 6.781 billion. That is a lot of people, and the earth worshipers believe that number is way too high for the planet to properly sustain life. Sadly, very few people realize how preposterous the idea of mankind overpopulating the earth really is. If you take into consideration the latest figures that shows the average human family contains a Mother a Father and 2.5 children, than you will be surprised to learn that the world's population would fit comfortably inside the borders of the country of Australia.

By calculating the number of acres just in Australia alone, you may be shocked at how very unpopulated the earth really is. There are 1,899,461,760 acres of land in the continent of Australia. At 43,560 square feet per acre, that means there is a grand total of 82,740,554,265,600 square feet in Australia. Now, consider that the latest figures for the estimated size of an average family lot with a 2,200 square foot house in the year 2010 will be 11,870 square feet. Now if we calculate the size of the average human family which is 4.5 humans, you will see that every family could actually have a house with a lot size of 54,908 square feet, which is about 4½ times the size that your local city planning commission will allow you to have. That my friends, would leave the rest of the world for food production and other raw material collection.

Now these numbers get even better when you factor in the new technology we have that would allow for super high density populations, such as 1000+ unit apartment complexes. Then when you take into account the portion of the world's population that is under the age of 18. You could probably give a couple acres to each family of the entire world and comfortably fit them all in Australia. Also, Australia is the smallest continent on the planet, whereas Asia has 477,820,303,488,000 sq/ft and Africa has 32,554,273,973,760 sq/ft. Finally, if you took the amount of habitable land in the world 1,449,676,800,000,000 sq/ft and divided it by the world's population, you could theoretically give each person, regardless of age, 213,785 square feet of land, which would be about 4.9 acres per person.

No my friends, this planet is a very, very long way from being overpopulated. As a matter of fact, we could use more Christian families like the Duggers, who decided to follow God's first commandment by being fruitful and multiplying.