Saturday, May 19, 2018

Lord Forgive Us

Chuck Ness

Dear Lord our Father, we come before you with a saddened heart. There has been another evil deed committed upon our children that could have been prevented, but for the forces of evil in our midst.

Lord, we cry with our fellow citizens who lost their precious children. Lost is the pride we once took in knowing our children would be safe in a place we send them for education. Lost is the understanding we had that they would be educated in a safe environment.

Instead O'Lord, our children are but pawns to be used by the evil that is constantly trying to destroy this nation we used to pledged to be under Your protection and guidance.

We cry for the freedom we once had in a country we once knew, in a world that is spiraling down the path of eternal destruction. Lord, we pray for wise minds to win the day so that we may do that which we must to protect our precious little ones.

Lord, we must be crazy, because we continually watch our fellow citizens who despise You and this once great country, to promote the very practices that murder our children before they even have a chance to live.

These same evil humans refuse to use the tools needed to keep our children from being slaughtered like they are nothing more than points to be collected in a first person shooter game.

O'Lord, if our children can survive the womb and then make it through school, then they must survive the wars we send them into so that those in countries that despise us can be free. Lord, from conception to adulthood, our children are just pawns to be used by the evil forces bent on ushering us all to hell.

Lord, forgive us, Lord, Forgive us.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Never Back Down To Political Correctness

by Chuck Ness

Churches need to stop being at the mercy of the liberal mindset, the government, or even their own congregations and start being at the mercy of God.

Clergy long ago spoke the truth to their flock, during the revolutionary war, and after. They would not only minister to the families, they would be involved in the daily lives of the people. They would fight next to them in battle, walk with them many hard miles in cold harsh winters.

They did not sit comfortably by while their flock suffered. Pastors would guide and direct their churches. They would instruct them on many issues in life. They did not walk around on their tip toes among their church family, instead they would lead them, they would help them to pave the way in many areas of life

Friday, May 4, 2018

Let Go Of The Anger (Romans 12:18-21)

by Chuck Ness

Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. Paul tells us to;
Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking
be put away from you, with all malice.
Ephesians 4:31
Anger and rage do more harm to those those who practice it, than it does to the person the anger is targeted at. How many times have we witnessed someone so full of anger and rage that they end up doing something that only hurts themselves. How many times has that happened to you?

Forty Eight Hours In Hell

by Chuck Ness

Many wonder what life after death would be like. In reality know one knows. Yet many warnings are given in the Scriptures as to what death will be like if Christ is not the one you worship and obey. Here is a story of a man who was pronounced dead, but was not. The following an account as told by George Lennox, who was serving time in prison for the offense of stealing horses.

Lord Jesus Come Quickly

by Chuck Ness

The times we live in are full of evil and deceit. It creeps in like a fog over the waters of a small creek, but soon it engulfs the entire valley.

As we all walk through this valley of evil which has been set upon us, we shall not fear it. Even though it abounds and encompasses everything around us, our LORD and our God will protect and guide us as we traverse the fog. We can all feel it in our bones, but You give us courage to continue on through it, Your rod O'LORD, and Your staff shall comfort us, and we will overcome that which has been wrought amongst us.

LORD, forgive us our sins, and give us wisdom and courage to do that which we must do to ensure that our path will be clear and straight as we follow You through this fog of deceit.

LORD Jesus,,,,,,,,, come quickly.

Partial List Of Taxes Americans Pay

by Chuck Ness
With Trump in office, I thought it would be a great idea for everyone to get an idea of all the taxes we pay. Many are different by state, but we are all over taxed. So the next time you hear some liberal complain we need to pay more taxes to take care of some lame liberal pet project of theirs, just give them a copy of this list.
Mind you, this list of 177 taxes is just a partial list, so I am sure there more many could think of some I missed. If so, feel free to add them in the comment section.
Well here is my list in alphabetical order.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Price Of Liberty

by Chuck Ness

We are entering another election year, and this one is as important as the one which put Donald Trump in the oval Office. Now is not the time to sit on your laurels. We need everyone to understand the importance of repeating what we did on November 8, 2016. The establishment is doing all it can to stop the process of cleaning out the swamp. Mind you, the "Swamp" consists of members from both the Republican and Democrat parties. Our Founding Fathers warned us to be alert, if we desire to keep that which they gave us.
"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance" Thomas Jefferson
History records, that when Benjamin Franklin walked out the doors of Independence Hall at the end of the 1787 Constitutional Convention, A woman asked him,
"Well, Doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy?"
Benjamin replied,
"A Republic my dear. If you can keep it."